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Customer Reviews

Thanks again!

WMC Team

I rented a bike from you to ride the West Maui Loop last week and I wanted to comment on your service and my experience.

First of all, what a ride!  It was a lot of fun, and very challenging for me.  You gave me great advice on what to think about beforehand, and I should have heeded it a bit better.  I loved it!  Frankly, your store and my experience of it didn't seem like much.  To me that is a tremendous complement that you were so easy to deal with and had such a great bike that was perfectly maintained and ready to go that it was an afterthought and my memories are of the beautiful vistas, challenging climbs, and a really great slice of some kind of sweet potato bread when I was about to bonk!  The bike was perfect, the price was great, and the ease of getting in and out was right on.

I commend your service and I highly recommend you for anyone looking to do the same kind of thing I did!

Thanks again!
